Naaman was an army commander of a nation that was an enemy to the people of God. He was a man of prestige and a brave soldier, yet he had leprosy. In this powerful account, we see God not only choose to heal a Gentile, but also to use a child to point the Gentile toward God! Naaman’s young servant girl risked her life to proclaim that Elisha, a prophet of God’s people, could heal Naaman, but, she spoke up in confidence and faith. Naaman listened and traveled to meet Elisha. After following Elisha’s instructions (though reluctantly at first!), Naaman was healed! Naaman returned to Elisha and proclaimed that he now knew there was no God in all the world except in Israel!! (vs 15). Not only did Naaman proclaim God as God, but he made a choice to worship Him only.
Bible: Read 2 Kings 5:1-15 together as a family.
Family Activity:
Teaching Time: 15 minutes
Materials: dominoes, blocks, toy cars, balls, ramps, etc.
Create a chain reaction using objects like dominoes, blocks, toy cars, balls, ramps, etc. You can make it as simple or complex as you would like. At the end of the reaction, place a cross or a Bible to represent Naaman coming to the Lord.
Naaman was an important soldier who also had leprosy, an incurable disease. Who could help heal him? Naaman’s servant girl set things in motion when she spoke up in confidence. Start the chain reaction. Because of her faith, Naaman went to the king of Aram who sent him to see Elisha. Elisha sent Naaman to the Jordan river where Naaman was healed. Naaman then made the choice to worship God only. The servant girl’s faith caused a chain reaction that pointed Naaman, a Gentile, toward God!
- Naaman’s servant was a young girl, but God has no age limit for people He chooses to use in His global purposes. Who are some other children God used?
- Has there been a time when you have seen God set things in motion because of your family’s faith?
Pray that God would give your family confidence and faith to point others to Him.