Recent family vision statements:

To love Jesus and make him known to all around us and far behond. Our family stands in God’s word as foundation of our faith and the moral principles we will live by. Honesty, love, respect, thruthworthy, and compassion.

Our family’ exists to mobilize and disciple those whom God brings across our path to become World Christians, passionate about seeing God’s glory among the nations and purposefully engaged in ways they can be a part of God’s Great Commission. That starts at home with intentional parenting, cultivating a God-honoring marriage and inviting people to break bread with us.

It is our vision as a family to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love people like Jesus loves people at home, in our city, and around the world.

Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts. Isaiah 26:8

To know God and make Him known. To tap into God’s perspective and what He is doing in the world and make that our life’s passion. So that our first heartbeat will be a heartbeat of obedience.

By the grace of God, the Patton family desires to wholeheartedly love God and others and strives to serve God with the gifts He has given us, emphasizing the remaining task of proclaiming God’s love to all peoples of the earth. 1 Chronicles 16:23-36 Love – Loving God, family, and others as Christ has loved us. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Grow – Grow ourselves along with others in wisdom, maturity, and righteousness. 2 Timothy 2:2 Mobilize – Mobilizing ourselves and others to be strategic with their life for God’s glory. Matthew 28:18-20 1 Initiative – Taking initiative when good work needs to be done. Galatians 6:9