Activities provide practical ways to embrace the Great Commission as a core vision of family discipleship, influencing new traditions and strategic lifestyle choices. Published weekly, activities unpack key concepts surrounding how and why we do missions, near and far. We focus on four key areas: Discover, Explore, Connect, and Live.
Why do we do missions? Bible-based activities trace God’s global heart, woven throughout Scripture. Discussion questions focus on the person and eternal purposes of Christ and what this means for us, as disciples of Jesus. Allow God to align your family’s hearts and lives with His desire to be glorified in all peoples.
How do we do missions? Experiential learning activities introduce aspects of missions: God’s movement in history, barriers and bridges to the gospel, unreached peoples, and the role of the Church. Step into your family’s place in history and use your God-given blessings to reach out to others both near and far.
Who is our focus when we do missions? First-person stories provide a window into the lives of boys and girls in unreached people groups. Stories include an interactive cultural activity, suggested recipe, and prayer focus. Help enlarge your children’s world while developing a lifestyle of prayer for their unreached peers around the globe.
How does my family do missions? Right-where-you-live activities that encourage new traditions, intentional lifestyle changes, and ministry involvement. It’s not about adding more to your plate, but making the most of everyday routines. Discover and embrace your family’s unique role in God’s kingdom and live it out in intentional ways.
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On March 17, we celebrate St. Patrick’s day. This holiday is traditionally celebrated with leprechauns, shamrocks, and pinching those who don’t wear green. But did you know that the real St. Patrick played a big role in God’s global story? Family Activity: Teaching Time: 25 minutes Materials: 3-4 sheets of paper, stapler, pen/pencil, markers/crayons Check…
The average American spends 100 minutes per day driving. Take advantage of short 10-15 minute trips around town to learn about and pray for children from different cultures or people groups. Family Activity: Many vehicles today are equipped with screens and DVD players. During your next trip in the car, watch a kid-friendly video about…
Worship is focusing on who God is and what He has done, in our own lives and in the whole world. Singing about these things is a great way to worship as a family. Family Activity: One third of all the Psalms have a direction reference to the nations and God’s relationship with them. Read…
“I need a drink of water” is a common request at bedtime. Use drinking cups to create a prayer station in your children’s bedroom. Help them develop a habit of praying for people both near and far. Teaching Time: 15 minutes Materials: 2 plastic drinking cups, jumbo craft sticks, a permanent marker Family Activity: Using…
The countdown to Christmas is on! Focus your children on the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world. Make an Advent Prayer Chain with your family and intercede for unreached peoples living in cultures where the gospel has not yet penetrated. Teaching Time: 15 minutes, ongoing prayer Materials: printed Advent Prayer Chain sheets, scissors,…
Use your children’s playtime to introduce them to other cultures and expand their view of the world God loves. Family Activity: Consider dolls and puppets that reflect ethnicities or cultures different from yours. Include multicultural food sets in your child’s play kitchen. Browse your local library or bookstore for storybooks that introduce your kids to…
Family mealtimes are wonderful opportunities to connect with our children. Because everyone is together in the same place, mealtimes also provide opportunities to cultivate habits in their lives. Here’s one way of establishing a routine of interceding for global workers. Family Activity: Make a prayer tablecloth. Find a world map that is large enough to…
A new school year brings excitement and busy schedules. It also provides your family with opportunities to meet new people and invest in the lives of teachers and students. Before the school year begins, go for a prayer walk around your school or local playground. As you walk, pray aloud for teachers, for children who…
Help your kids learn about other cultures of the world by immersing them in international music. Host an international dance party for your family. You may want to include friends or families in your neighborhood. Check out CDs of international music from your local library or school. Download songs from iTunes or find music videos…
Vacations are a great time to explore new places and people. This summer, consider visiting places of different cultures. This could mean traveling overseas or an international stay-cation. Visit an ethnic neighborhood in a major city near you (Chinese, Korean, Hmong, Somali, Nepalese, etc.). Family Activity: Teaching Time: half day, not including travel time Materials:…