Activities provide practical ways to embrace the Great Commission as a core vision of family discipleship, influencing new traditions and strategic lifestyle choices. Published weekly, activities unpack key concepts surrounding how and why we do missions, near and far. We focus on four key areas: Discover, Explore, Connect, and Live.
Why do we do missions? Bible-based activities trace God’s global heart, woven throughout Scripture. Discussion questions focus on the person and eternal purposes of Christ and what this means for us, as disciples of Jesus. Allow God to align your family’s hearts and lives with His desire to be glorified in all peoples.
How do we do missions? Experiential learning activities introduce aspects of missions: God’s movement in history, barriers and bridges to the gospel, unreached peoples, and the role of the Church. Step into your family’s place in history and use your God-given blessings to reach out to others both near and far.
Who is our focus when we do missions? First-person stories provide a window into the lives of boys and girls in unreached people groups. Stories include an interactive cultural activity, suggested recipe, and prayer focus. Help enlarge your children’s world while developing a lifestyle of prayer for their unreached peers around the globe.
How does my family do missions? Right-where-you-live activities that encourage new traditions, intentional lifestyle changes, and ministry involvement. It’s not about adding more to your plate, but making the most of everyday routines. Discover and embrace your family’s unique role in God’s kingdom and live it out in intentional ways.
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God blesses His people. All that we have (treasures, talents, time, relationships) and all that we are (children of the living God) comes from His hand. What is God’s greater purpose in blessing us? He wants us to use what He has given us to bless other people, especially those who do not know Him…
Jesus taught about His heavenly father in the context of relationships. For three years Jesus ate, slept, and traveled with His disciples. He spoke into their lives, modeled what a true follower of God looks like, and said, “Follow Me” (John 12:26). After Pentecost, Jesus’ disciples went out in the power of the Holy Spirit.…
Poverty has many dimensions. On the surface, needy families lack access to basic resources like clean water, a safe place to live, a reliable source of food, and medical care. On a deeper level, limited opportunities for education or training make it difficult for families in poverty to change their situation without outside intervention. Underlying…
THUMB is an acronym for the major non-Christian religious belief systems embraced by unreached peoples. Imagine a hand. Start with the thumb. Each of the five fingers stands for one religious bloc. The first letter of each can be combined to spell the word THUMB. T = Tribal H = Hindu U = Unreligious (Atheist)…
Immigrants arrive in our country every day in search of a better life – increased opportunities for education and employment, a safe environment to raise their children, freedom from government restrictions, and a brighter future for their descendants. Many come from countries that are closed to the gospel. Missionaries cannot go to them so God…
As believers share the gospel message, they often encounter barriers like geography, language, government, tradition, or religious beliefs. These barriers prevent the message from being understood and accepted. An approach for evangelism and discipleship that works in one culture may not necessarily be effective in a different culture. Believers must seek God’s wisdom in building…
When Jesus commanded His followers to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19), He was not referring to countries. “Ethne,” the Greek word for “nations,” means ethnic groups. An ethnic group who shares the same language, history, traditions, beliefs, and way of life is called a people group. God’s desire and plan is for families…
God’s mission to make Himself known among all nations is reflected throughout human history. Yet, most believers have no knowledge of how the gospel spread in the centuries after the events recorded in Acts up until the 1700s when William Carey, the father of modern missions, came onto the scene. God can and does use…
Jesus alone is the way to God. Contrary to what many religions teach, humans cannot earn or achieve their way to Him. Instead, God came down to us in the form of a baby. That baby, Jesus, grew up to pay the price for sin and open the way to God for all mankind through…