A new school year brings excitement and busy schedules. It also provides your family with opportunities to meet new people and invest in the lives of teachers and students.
Before the school year begins, go for a prayer walk around your school or local playground. As you walk, pray aloud for teachers, for children who are new or from different cultures, and for families who are struggling with unemployment, divorce, or health issues. Pray for opportunities to share Jesus with children in your class or on your sports team. Ask God to keep your eyes open and hearts sensitive to His leading this school year.
1. While Jesus stood near the Samaritan village, what did he tell his disciples? (see John 4:34-35, 39) What was the harvest?
2. Is there a harvest field in your school or neighborhood? Look around you. Who do you see that is ready to hear about the Savior of the World?
Pray that God would send your family as laborers into the harvest field, so that others might know the hope and love of Jesus.