As your family embraces God’s global heart and begins to step into your role in fulfilling His purposes, you can multiply your effectiveness by bringing some believing friends along on the journey. Invite them into what you are doing by allowing them to observe your family in ministry and giving them non-threatening ways to participate. Here’s an example to get you thinking.
Liz’s family builds relationships with international students who are learning English. Many have Muslim backgrounds. Each December, Liz invites students to a Christmas party at her home. They decorate Christmas cookies, talk about Christmas traditions, and sing Christmas carols. Using their family nativity set, Liz and her family read the Christmas story from Luke, using a version of the Bible with simple English. Each student receives a gift bag that includes the Gospel of Luke in English and Arabic. Liz includes other believing families in this ministry by:
- Asking them to bring a batch of cookies, cookie-decorating supplies, or musical instruments like guitars.
- Asking them to prepare a favorite family Christmas tradition to share.
- Involving them in set up. This is a good time to address any concerns and give them a heads-up about customs. For example, in Muslim cultures, it’s not appropriate for women to shake hands with men outside their own family.
- Involving them in clean up. This is a good time to debrief the experience.
- Read Luke 10:1-2. Why do you think Jesus sent out those who served Him in pairs?
- How are we already serving God as a family? Which other families could we invite to join us in ministry?
Ask God to give you ideas of how to include friends in your family’s ministry and outreach opportunities.