Enhance your family’s learning experience with these additional tools. Be challenged in new ways, grow deeper in specific areas, or recommend resources to other families who are on this journey with you. Gathered from across the publishing and ministry world, the resources recommended here represent the best materials available on missions and children. Multiple search features make it quick and easy for you to find what you’re looking for. Each resource includes detailed descriptions and a direct link for ordering. Explore products exclusively from Weave by clicking the “Created by Weave” tab.

The Missional Mom: Living with Purpose at Home and in the World
Helen Lee, 2010
The Missional Mom will affirm Christian mothers who desire to not only build their homes in a Christ-like way, but engage the world with their skills, abilities, and interests. It won’t minimize the importance of a woman’s role in her home, but it will encourage her to not to ignore the stirrings God has planted within her to extend her influence. Available on Kindle.
Find it here:
- World Christian Lifestyle
Target Age
- Adult, Family
- Book, eBook
- Moody Publishers
- English
This is a great book full of practical tips on how to bring your kids with you in the endeavor to live out the great commission. Helping your kids see that they are part of a great adventure of reaching all nations is our calling as a mom and as a follower of Christ.