Journal Offering wisdom and encouraging words

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Journal entries focus on the heart and motivation for World Christian parenting. Monthly articles written by key authors and ministry leaders offer wisdom and inspiration as you disciple your children and pursue intentionality in the midst of family life. Additional thoughts and devotionals written by Weave team members encourage you to draw near to Jesus for wisdom, strength, and grace as you navigate everyday realities and encounter situations you don’t feel equipped to deal with. Enlarge your vision for what God can do with ordinary families whose hearts and lives are yielded to Him.

Expand Your Reach and Touch the World

Elizabeth lives in southeastern Nigeria. Her passion for educating children led her to start a private preschool and primary school in her city. Elizabeth also has a heart for peoples of the world who have no access to the good news of Jesus. She has always known that God had a role for her to play in reaching the unreached, but did not feel called to be a cross-cultural goer in the conventional sense. How could she get actively involved in reaching those who have not heard of Jesus?

When Elizabeth heard that the BIG Story Training would be held in her city, she registered all the teachers in her school. As they learned about discipling children in God’s mission, it was obvious to Elizabeth that she had found something she was looking for. What would this look like in her context?

The next school term, she added some interesting programs to the school calendar. One of these was “Nations Day” where all the kids were asked to dress in the attire of other nations. Elizabeth chose to emphasize countries with high concentrations of unreached people groups. During class, the students were taught about these countries and asked to get attire. In the process, their parents were also introduced to these countries.

Elizabeth went beyond introducing the students to customs of other cultures. She also explained that some people have committed their lives to telling these nations about Jesus. She then gave the students an assignment. They were asked to write letters to people who work in or among others cultures to tell other kids about Jesus. Of course, many of these letters were written by parents on behalf of their young children. These letters, filled with heartfelt encouragement and prayer, were mailed out to global workers across the world.

These intentional steps have led to a very high engagement of both children and their parents with cross-cultural workers. At the school, they now have a special week called “Touch The World” when students write letters, bring gifts for cross-cultural workers, and donate supplies to be sent to kids living in areas without access to the gospel. Participation is increasing with every opportunity and more kids and parents are learning about the nations.

Elizabeth is expanding her vision even further. Her school is formalizing a partnership with a missionary primary school in a French-speaking unreached village in Chad. This may open up two possibilities: 1) Sending kids from Elizabeth’s school to visit villages in Chad through an exchange program and 2) Sending Elizabeth’s teachers on a temporary secondment to the missionary school where they can be actively involved in cross-cultural going. Now Elizabeth is praying about multiplication, hoping to pass on her ideas to other schools in her city.

Elizabeth does not fit the profile of a conventional goer. She has not left her city. Yet God is using her to connect teachers, children, and their parents to the nations. Does your family have a heart for the unreached? How are you allowing God to expand your vision for your role in His purposes?

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