Inviting Others In

We invite people to things all the time - to the movies, to dinner, to a sporting event, etc. We invite people to what we care about, what we enjoy, what we are passionate about. Family Activity: Invite a family or individual to church that does not know Jesus. Go out to lunch after church.…

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Family Activity: Bread is sacred to the Uzbek people. Buy or bake a round, flat loaf of bread. Spread a decorative tablecloth or blanket on the floor and sit around it. Tear off pieces of the bread and pass to each person. Dip your bread in honey, jam, cream cheese, or yogurt. Read Matthew 13:33…

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Using Blessings

Meet Natalie, a nine-year-old girl with a heart to bless others. “I started a nature club with my sister and some friends. We help neighbors by doing jobs like walking dogs, raking leaves, and picking up trash. Most people pay us. We were going to use the money for something else, but then at church…

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Central Bhil

Family Activity: Create your own leaf plate and eat like the Bhil people. Gather three, thin paper plates (not Styrofoam) and three toothpicks for each child. Using crayons and colored markers, draw leaf outlines and veins to make the plates look like leaves. In all three plates punch two holes (1 inch apart), approximately ½…

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Family Activity: Many vacations are a time to get away from it all and just be together as a family, but God may have opportunities for you to bless others. Make it a goal to bless and encourage a different person each day of your trip. Save up money to use to encourage individuals throughout…

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Bible: Read the book of Jonah with your family. God gave Jonah an unthinkable task: taking the gospel to the Assyrians! The Assyrians were more wicked than any other people during that time and an enemy of the Jews. At first, Jonah was unwilling to go to Nineveh. He wasn’t afraid. Jonah just didn’t want…

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Northern Yemeni

Family Activity: Teaching Time:  15 minutes Materials: graham crackers, white frosting, plastic knife Make a house like the northern Yemeni houses in the story using graham crackers and frosting. Use the frosting as a glue to hold the graham crackers together as you build your house. Decorate your graham cracker walls and windows with white…

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Songs of Purpose

The Psalms are a collection of songs, prayers, and poems that record God’s purposes to bring the nations into worship. Written by several authors, primarily King David, the Psalms remind us of God’s desire to be worshiped by all nations. Psalm 67 reminds Israel that God did not call them as His own for their…

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What do you see when you look at an apple – a piece of fruit? Think big! Envision its seeds growing and multiplying into an entire orchard, transforming a barren field. Our family needs to think big when we consider church-planting movements. The church is a life-giving organism that has the potential to evangelize and…

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Cultural Instrument

Music is a great way to explore world cultures as a family. People all over the world make music, sing, and dance. Many will fasten things like bells, shells, or even goat nails to their ankles and wrists to create sound as they dance. Family Activity: Teaching Time: 15 minutes In India, classical Indian dancers…

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