Library Tools for growing and engaging together

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Enhance your family’s learning experience with these additional tools. Be challenged in new ways, grow deeper in specific areas, or recommend resources to other families who are on this journey with you. Gathered from across the publishing and ministry world, the resources recommended here represent the best materials available on missions and children. Multiple search features make it quick and easy for you to find what you’re looking for. Each resource includes detailed descriptions and a direct link for ordering. Explore products exclusively from Weave by clicking the “Created by Weave” tab.

30 Day Muslim Prayer Guide: Just for Kids!

30 Days, 2013

Annual publication with a month’s worth of activities and prayer requests for Muslim people groups. Designed to be used during Ramadan. Available as eBook.

Find it here:

  1. Please I will like to have more material on prayers from the different religions for my Bible club kids.

    • Hi Lydia!
      Here are some suggestions for more material on praying:
      1. From the home page, click on the Connect tab. It gives stories of children living in unreached cultures that you can read to your children. There are two prayer points with each story.
      2. Download the One Big Vision book for 15 stories of children in unreached cultures, coloring pages, and prayer points. There is information on religions as well. There are also supplemental prayer cards that you can download for the groups featured in the stories. Here’s the direct link:
      3. There are 12 videos of children in unreached cultures on the weavefamily youtube site. Here’s the direct link:

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