Library Tools for growing and engaging together

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Enhance your family’s learning experience with these additional tools. Be challenged in new ways, grow deeper in specific areas, or recommend resources to other families who are on this journey with you. Gathered from across the publishing and ministry world, the resources recommended here represent the best materials available on missions and children. Multiple search features make it quick and easy for you to find what you’re looking for. Each resource includes detailed descriptions and a direct link for ordering. Explore products exclusively from Weave by clicking the “Created by Weave” tab.

Who’s Got the Cookies?

Karen Hardin, 2011

Thirty-minute lesson introduces kids and families to the basic realities of world hunger. This interactive demonstration addresses the issue of food scarcity vs. inadequate food distribution. Includes a Bible activity that explores what God says about our responsibility to those who are hungry and a prayer time.

Find it here:

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