Malachi & Emily Wurpts' comments
Great article Gloria! I am going to try to initiate family devotions at dinner time more often. Perhaps something simple like reading the bible, singing a song and praying for nation.
Visionary Marriage, yes please! The parenting materials we have seen are great. Would be excited to read this and be reminded of the bigger vision God has for our marriage and family.
We leave this one on our kitchen table and read and pray for a country while we are eating breakfast. It’s kind of like the kids version of Operation World with more pictures and stories about kids around the world.
Our family loves these books. Especially daddy!! They are packed with adventure and are really easy to read. It’s our goal to read them all to our kids. Some homeschooling curriculum use them as well.
Our 3 year old really enjoyed this. We left it on our breakfast table and read it together while we ate. The activities are fun and really simple, and made praying for our Muslim friends fun!
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Is this a good book to read to our preschoolers around Christmas and Easter time? Or, is it good for other times as well?