Nicodemus, a Jewish leader, came to Jesus in the dark of night, confused and wanting to talk to the teacher. Nicodemus and Jesus talked about being born again of the Spirit. Then Jesus uttered some of the most quoted words in history: “For God so loved the WORLD, that he gave his one and only son…” (John 3:16). Jesus continued to clarify who He was and what He had been sent to do. He had come to bring salvation to all peoples.
Bible: Read John 3:1-17 together with your family.
Family Activity:
Teaching Time: 10 minutes
Materials: world map, Bible
John 3:16 says “For God so loved the WORLD, that he gave his one and only son…” Jesus came to die for the sins of people in every culture and bring new life to those who believe in Him. Spread your world map on the floor. Choose one person to close his eyes and move his finger slowly across the map. Have someone else say “stop” at a random time. When you hear “stop”, stop moving your finger, open your eyes, and look at the country your finger is touching (or near if you land in the ocean). Say, “for God so loved [country name] that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Take turns tracing your finger over the map and reading the verse for different countries. After a few turns, have everyone say John 3:16 together.
- What is God’s desire and plan for the unreached peoples of the world?
- Read John 14:6. There are many other religions that people around the world follow. What does this verse say happens to people who do not follow Jesus?
Pray that unreached peoples will come to know the God who loves them and sent His Son Jesus to die for their sins.