Tuareg of Mali


(meh-nee meh-nee-yong)

Sesame Seed and Honey Sticks


Preparation Time: 20 minutes | Serves: 10-12


  • 1 cup sesame seeds
  • 1 cup honey (or 1 cup sugar)
  • ½ cup butter or margarine

To prepare

  1. Heat the sesame seeds in a shallow pan on low heat without any oil, until they begin to jump about and turn golden. Shake the pan so that they do not stick or burn. Allow to cool.
  2. Using a heavy pan, heat the butter or margarine and then add the honey or sugar. Stir continuously until the mixture begins to caramelize (which is when it turns slightly brown, but without burning).
    Pour the sesame seeds into the warm mixture and stir thoroughly.
  3. Transfer the mixture onto a cookie sheet. As the mixture cools, shape it into sticks either by cutting or rolling, and then coating it with more sesame seeds if required.


Taken from WINDOWKIDS Recipes of the 10/40 Window edited by KJ Larson. Copyright(c) 2006 by Window International Inc. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, PO Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515.

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