Note to Parents: When we consistently use a “God-sized” lens to share God’s Word with our family, it broadens our children’s understanding of who God is and how He acts in our world. It also changes how our children view themselves, their blessings, and their purpose.
Sharing the Bible with our children through a “God- sized” lens does not have to be difficult. It just requires that we consistently frame every story with these truths:
- God is the main character of every story.
- God is always at work to make Himself known.
- God blesses his people for a greater purpose that includes others.
Bible Time Tip:
Schedule a specific time each week for your family to explore God’s Word together. Choose a day or evening when everyone is usually home. Consider times when your children are most alert. Calendar this time like you would any other ongoing commitment. How much time do you need? For most children, 15 minutes of unrushed, concentrated family Bible time each week is sufficient to grow a love for God’s Word and cultivate a habit of consistent study. After a few weeks, your children will begin to associate your selected day and time with studying God’s Word as a family. They will even remind you if you forget!
Family Bible Activity:
Bible Story:
When God’s people lived as exiles in Babylon, God continued to proclaim His name in this foreign land through obedient followers like Daniel. Highly respected in the eyes of King Darius, Daniel was made a trusted leader in the kingdom. When other Babylonian leaders became jealous, they hatched a plot to get rid of Daniel permanently. A short time later, Daniel faced death in a lion’s den. God acted swiftly–not only on behalf of Daniel, but also in light of His purpose to be known in every nation!
At your scheduled time, grab your Bible and gather your family. Read Daniel 6:3-28 together. Then do the following related activity.
Family Activity:
You will need: ball, wall to bounce the ball against
Have family members line up side-by-side, facing the wall. Explain that the ball represents God’s blessing. First God blessed Daniel by rescuing him from the lions. Invite “Daniel” to bounce the ball off the wall for the next person to catch. Next God’s blessing was passed to King Darius. Because of the wonders he had seen, King Darius praised the God of Daniel. Invite “King Darius” to bounce the ball off the wall for the next person to catch. Then God’s blessing extended to all peoples in the kingdom. King Darius wrote to them telling them about the God of Daniel who was worthy of honor. Continue bouncing the ball off the wall until all family members have had a turn to catch it.
Use a “God-sized” lens to summarize. Ask your children to identify God’s greater purpose for blessing Daniel. Talk about others who heard about the true God and how they responded. Then, pray that God would use your family, and your circumstances, to demonstrate who God is to others.
(This Bible story activity is framed with a “God-sized” lens. For more stories and activities shared through a “God-sized” lens, download One Big Story for free!)
Loved this so much and shared it with my kids to do with my grandkids.