When we consistently use a “God-sized” lens to share God’s Word with our family, it broadens our children’s understanding of who God is and how He acts in our world. It also changes how our children view themselves, their blessings, and their purpose.
Sharing the Bible with our children through a “God-sized” lens is not difficult. It just requires that we consistently frame every story with these truths:
- God is the main character of every story.
- God is always at work to make Himself known.
- God blesses His people for a greater purpose that includes others.
Bible Time Tip:
Set aside a designated area in your home to begin your storytime. Choose a quiet place with enough room for your family to gather comfortably. As you build a habit of exploring God’s Word together, your children will begin to associate this specific place with the learning that has happened there.
Family Bible Activity:
Bible Story:
Jesus and His disciples came to Jerusalem. Because of the Passover celebration, people from all over Israel, as well as gentile seekers, filled the city. Entering the temple, Jesus found that the outer courts reserved for gentiles were instead crowded with Jewish money changers and sellers. In righteous anger, Jesus flipped over their tables and chased them out. He scolded them, saying they had turned the temple into a den of robbers when it was intended to be a house of prayer for all nations.
Grab your Bible and gather your family in your designated place. Together with your family, read Mark 11:15-17 and 1 Kings 8:41-43. Then do the following related activity.
Family Activity:
You will need: a cup; dirt, rocks, or sand
Together with your family, think of the most common way people use cups. Take your cup outside and invite your children to fill it with dirt, rocks, or sand. Discuss what you might plant in your cup. Think through the consequences for thirsty people in your home if you decided to plant something in every cup you own. Explain that problems would arise if drinking cups were not used for their primary purpose.
Talk about the main purpose for the temple in Jesus’ day. What problems were the money changers and sellers causing for people coming into the outer courts of the temple? Discuss how their actions were an obstacle to worship.
Use a “God-sized” lens. How did Jesus’ actions and words reflect God’s love and concern for all nations? Pray that your home will become a place where prayers are offered for unreached peoples.
(This Bible story activity is framed with a “God-sized” lens. For more stories and activities shared through a “God-sized” lens, download One Big Story for free!)