Exploring traditions from other cultures is one way to expand your family’s view of the world and cultivate a heart for the peoples that God loves. Learn about Holi (HOH-lee), an annual holiday celebrated across India and in many other places with large numbers of Indians. Holi falls in late February or March and means…
Children are naturally curious about new people. Use this family activity to cultivate a habit of welcoming those from other cultures into your home. It will help your family participate in loving others like God does. It also provides practice in asking appropriate questions that may lead to deeper conversations. Activity: You will need: slips…
Note to Parents: When we consistently use a “God-sized” lens to share God’s Word with our family, it broadens our children’s understanding of who God is and how He acts in our world. It also changes how our children view themselves, their blessings, and their purpose. Sharing the Bible with our children through a “God-sized” lens…
Note to Parents: In the last journal, you read a story about Thi Lien (tee lee-YIN) and her family (if you missed the story, find it here). They are Vietnamese, a Southeast Asian people group. What would it be like to visit the Old Quarter of Hanoi? Learn how Vietnam’s history influenced the street names…
Note to Parents: Help your family embrace God’s love for the world. Read this story together to learn about and pray for the Vietnamese, a Southeast Asian people group. This story focuses on those living within Vietnam, a country whose government restricts access to the gospel. Come with me to the bustling city of Hanoi,…
Mobilizing families to join with God in His mission to bless all nations can often feel like planting seeds. But sometimes it is more about fanning sparks. In a training room charged with excitement, sat Sarah*. Little did this young mother know how God would use the Big Story Training to enlarge her vision for…
Jesus is sending your family and my family to people who are different from us as an important part of His mission. Love is the proper conduit for the gospel and is best demonstrated through relationships. For many Christians, the mission becomes difficult because Christ is calling us to love people who are different from…
During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He interacted with all kinds of people. On one occasion as He was teaching and healing, Jesus turned to His disciples and said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38) The fact…
Note to Parents: In the last journal, you read a story about Mohammed and his family (if you missed the story, find it here). They are Emirati Arabs, an unreached people group living in the United Arab Emirates. What do Emirati families do for fun? Learn about one of their favorite sports with you children.…
Note to Parents: Help your family embrace God’s love for the world. Read this story together to learn about and pray for the Emirati Arabs, a Middle Eastern people group in the United Arab Emirates. Come with me to a bustling city on the Arabian Peninsula, where gleaming skyscrapers tower over crowded highways lined with…
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