When we consistently use a “God-sized” lens to share God’s Word with our family, it broadens our children’s understanding of who God is and how He acts in our world. It also changes how our children view themselves, their blessings, and their purpose.
Sharing the Bible with our children through a “God-sized” lens does not have to be difficult. It just requires that we consistently frame every story with these truths:
- God is the main character of every story.
- God is always at work to make Himself known.
- God blesses His people for a greater purpose that includes others.
Bible Time Tip:
As your family explores God’s Word together, put on your imaginary blessing glasses! Look carefully for how God blesses an individual or group in the story. How does this blessing impact unbelievers who are nearby? God’s blessings are always for the purpose of making Himself known. If you look carefully, you will see the “blessed to be a blessing” pattern throughout God’s Word.
Family Bible Activity:
Bible Story:
God told Jonah to take the gospel to the Assyrians — an extremely wicked people and enemies of the Jews. At first, Jonah was unwilling to go. He did not want to give the evil people in Nineveh the opportunity to know and worship God. Jonah knew God was gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love (Jonah 4:2). After his encounter with a “big fish” Jonah finally went to Nineveh and shared about the true God. The Assyrian people heard the message of the Lord, repented, and were shown mercy by God!
Read the account of Jonah from a children’s Bible or storybook with your family. Then do the following related activity.
Family Activity:
You will need: bowl; strainer/colander/sieve; water source
Gather outside or near a sink/bathtub. Invite one child to pour water into the bowl. Invite another child to pour water into the strainer. Discuss what happens to the water in each case. Connect the idea of the bowl’s containing the water with Jonah’s desire to keep God’s blessings all to himself. Jonah was blessed with the knowledge of the true God, but he refused to share what he knew with the people of Nineveh.
Explain that God had a different plan. God wanted Jonah to share his blessing with the people in Nineveh. Apply this idea to our lives as believers. God’s blessings are not just for us. God wants His blessings to flow through us to other people just like the water flowed through the strainer. God wants our family to use our time, talents, and resources so that others can know and worship Him, too!
Use a “God-sized” lens. How did God’s interaction with Jonah demonstrate the greatness of His love and concern for unreached peoples? Pray that God would show your family new ways to share about Him with others.
(This Bible story activity is framed with a “God-sized” lens. For more stories and activities shared through a “God-sized” lens, download One Big Story for free!)